Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Getting your Funny On!

It's April 1st and we all know what that means...April Fools!!! 
We aren't fooling around here, but we ARE getting our funny on with some INKspiring cards that will tickle your funny bone!

Jennifer Gregorsky - Jenny G Paper Crafts

Melissa Stout ~ The Stamp Doc

Breelin Renwick ~ Craft-somnia Momma

Diana Eichfeld ~ Stampin' Fun with Diana

Cynthia Richards ~ Ink a Doodle Creations

Don't forget to visit each individual blog and leave us some love...we LOVE to hear from you!

Hope you day is full of fun and not too many FOOLS!

Happy Stamping!

Thanks for stopping by today for your daily SSInkspiration! Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Pinterest pages for even MORE Inkspiration!

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