
Monday, August 19, 2013

August Scrapbook Sketch

Happy Monday stampers!! Thanks for coming by for a visit...we're so glad you're here! I hope you find inspiration below with our first Scrapbook Sketch created and designed by our very own Jennifer Campbell. Each of the design team who are sharing with you today found inspiration in some way with this sketch to make it their own. We hope you are inspired to play along with us, too! If you do, leave a link to your blog post in the comments below!

{August Scrapbook Sketch}

 Diana Eichfeld
Heidi Boos - Stuck on Stampin'

 Pam Steckman

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see what Darcy has to share with us in her INKspiring individual post.

1 comment:

  1. I love everyone's take on my sketch!!! I can't wait to see who else joins in and uses the sketch to inspire them with their own creations!
